Cristina Tamas

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December 2014


Let’s dance!

Old or young? Retro or modern? Loud or hoarse? Past or present? Nostalgy or vision? Unknown or well-known? Good bye or date? Contradictory or just finding together?
I took with me such questions to the rockband DDT in concert, expecting answers to them. I got elevated music played by skilled bandsmen in a magic atmosphere instead.
Deep curtsey to the grateful public waiting for an encore next year.

So, let’s see if old or young, retro or modern, loud or hoarse, past or present, nostalgy or vision, Unknown or well-known. Saying good bye was only meant for this year. Let’s find together with DDT next year. Nothing contradictory for me.

Location: LustGarten in Klagenfurt, on Nov. 21-th 2014